
What are the Social Problems in Pakistan and its Solution


What are the Social Problems in Pakistan and its Solution:


Pakistan is a country with a rich history, culture, and diversity. It is also a country with many challenges and opportunities. As the sixth most populous country in the world, with over 220 million people. Pakistan faces a range of social, economic, political, and environmental problems that affect its development and stability. Some of these problems include poverty, illiteracy, corruption, terrorism, health care, etc. These problems not only hinder Pakistan’s progress and prosperity, but also threaten its security and sovereignty.

Therefore, it is crucial to identify and address these problems and their recommended solutions in order to improve the quality of life for Pakistanis and ensure a peaceful and prosperous future for Pakistan. In this article, we will discuss some of the major problems in Pakistan and their recommended solutions. We will analyze the causes and effects of each problem, and propose some possible ways to solve them. We will also highlight some of the benefits and challenges of implementing these solutions. Our goal is to raise awareness and inspire action among Pakistanis and other stakeholders who care about Pakistan’s well-being.

Social Problems
Social Problems



Poverty is one of the most pervasive and persistent problems in Pakistan. According to the World Bank, about 24% of Pakistan’s population lives below the national poverty, which means that they cannot afford basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, education, and health care. Poverty is also unevenly distributed across regions, genders, and ethnic groups, with rural areas, women, and minorities being more vulnerable to poverty than urban areas, men, and majorities. Poverty has many negative consequences for individuals and society, such as malnutrition, disease, illiteracy, crime, violence, social exclusion, etc.

One of the main causes of poverty in Pakistan is the lack of economic opportunities and growth. Pakistan’s economy has been struggling with low productivity, high inflation, fiscal deficits, trade imbalances, debt burdens, etc. The Covid-19 pandemic has further worsened the economic situation by disrupting businesses, trade, tourism, remittances, etc.

Another cause of poverty is the unequal distribution of resources and wealth among different segments of society. Pakistan has a high level of income inequality, with the richest 10% of the population owning 27% of the total income. Moreover, there are significant disparities in access to land, water, energy, education, health care, etc., among different regions and groups.

One of the possible solutions to poverty in Pakistan is to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth that creates more jobs and income for the poor. This can be achieved by investing in infrastructure development, industrialization, agriculture modernization, innovation, Another solution is to improve social protection and welfare systems that provide basic services and support to the poor and vulnerable.

This can be done by expanding social safety nets such as cash transfers (e.g., Ehsaas program), food subsidies (e.g., Utility Stores), health insurance (e.g: Sehat Sahulat program), etc. Moreover, there is a need to reform the tax system to make it more progressive and equitable so that the rich pay their fair share of taxes and the poor benefit from public spending.


Illiteracy is another major problem in Pakistan that affects its human development and potential. According to UNESCO, Pakistan has an adult literacy rate of 59%, which means that 41% of its population aged 15 years and above cannot read or write. The literacy rate is even lower for women (46%) than for men (71%), reflecting the gender gap in education. Illiteracy limits the opportunities and capabilities of individuals and society in various aspects such as employment, health care , civic participation , etc.

One of the main causes of illiteracy in Pakistan is the lack of access to quality education for all. Pakistan has one of the lowest public spending on education in the world , at only 2.4% of its GDP. As a result , there are not enough schools , teachers , textbooks , facilities , etc., to meet the demand for education , especially in rural areas , where 70% of out-of-school children live. Another cause of illiteracy is the socio-cultural barriers that prevent many children , especially girls , from attending school . These include poverty , child labor , early marriage , gender discrimination , religious extremism , etc.

One of the possible solutions to illiteracy in Pakistan is to increase public investment in education and ensure its efficient allocation and utilization . This can be done by raising more revenues from taxes and donors , allocating more funds to education , improving governance and accountability in the education sector , etc. Another solution is to improve the quality and relevance of education and make it more inclusive and equitable for all . This can be done by standardizing the curriculum and assessment , training and retaining qualified teachers , providing adequate learning materials and resources , enhancing the use of technology and innovation , promoting girls’ education and gender equality , etc.


Corruption is a serious problem in Pakistan that undermines its democracy and development. According to Transparency International, Pakistan ranks 124 out of 180 countries in the Corruption Perceptions Index 2020, with a score of 31 out of 100, where 0 is highly corrupt and 100 is very clean. Corruption affects all sectors and levels of government, as well as the private sector and civil society, in Pakistan. Corruption erodes public trust and confidence in institutions, wastes public resources, distorts policies and markets, hampers economic growth, fuels social injustice, and threatens national security.

One of the main causes of corruption in Pakistan is the weak rule of law and accountability. Pakistan has a complex and fragmented legal system that is often influenced by political interference, patronage networks, nepotism, favoritism, etc. The judiciary, the police, the anti-corruption agencies, etc., are not independent, efficient, or effective in enforcing the law and holding the corrupt accountable. Another cause of corruption is the lack of transparency and participation in governance. Pakistan has a low level of access to information, public consultation, civic engagement, media freedom, etc., that enable citizens to monitor and influence government decisions and actions.

One of the possible solutions to corruption in Pakistan is to strengthen the rule of law and accountability. This can be achieved by reforming the legal system to make it more coherent, consistent, and impartial; empowering the judiciary, the police, the anti-corruption agencies, etc., to perform their duties without fear or favor; enhancing the oversight and sanction mechanisms for public officials; etc. Another solution is to improve transparency and participation in governance. This can be done by implementing the right to information law; encouraging public consultation and feedback; supporting civil society and media; etc.


Terrorism is a grave problem in Pakistan that poses a threat to its peace and stability. According to the Global Terrorism Index 2020, Pakistan ranks seventh out of 163 countries in terms of the impact of terrorism, with a score of 7.861 out of 10, where 0 is no impact and 10 is highest impact. Terrorism has caused thousands of deaths and injuries, as well as massive damage to property and infrastructure, in Pakistan. Terrorism also has negative effects on social cohesion, economic development.

Mahnoor Amjad

Mahnoor, is a qualified Business Administrator having expertise in Human Resource Management and Social Media Management. For any assistance related to HR, Finance and Entrepreneurship reach out to me at Email: mahnorr01@gmail.com

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